Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Produce is COMING IN and compost

This is still May and we have entered into a very productive period.

Tonight we had cucumbers, radishes, snow peas, lettuce and yellow squash.

Last night we had green beans (Italian Flat), new potatos, fava beans, spinach. Every day we are able to pick almost a kilogram of food. Some things are going to be coming to an end soon. Snow peas will be coming out soon, the fava beans and most of the lettuce is starting to bolt. So when all of that comes out I will have room for more plants to go in. The other farmer is helping out with weeding, picking, cooking and of course, eating.

May 21-24
3.5 Kg

1.2 KG of that total was sugar snap peas.

I have planted some more shell beans, corn, sun flowers, and some other types of flowers. I also have transplanted the other Farmer's large Rosemary into the garden.

On the other side of the process I was able to harvest some compost. I have been putting all my cuttings, and plant waste in my compost pile and that has matured as well and I can complete the cycle and enrich my soil with the waste product turned into black gold.

Here are our future raspberries. I showed them when in bloom earlier.


  1. I just planted the bulb's I brought from Florida, so will see how well they do. We need a kind way to get rid of the wild life that is eating the new plants.

  2. the main farmer is away for a few days so I am holding down the fort. I am going out to tie some tomato's plants up.

  3. Marci and I worked in garden this morning. We put down newspapers and pine straw and then I watered everything. I will pick again for supper to night. Marci is taking some things to work for her friend.
