Sunday, November 14, 2010

Almost There: Some New Plants

I have planted a lot of cruciferous vegetables this fall. These plants are called this because they all have a set of 4 leaves coming off the stalk. This means broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage and even kale are all closely related. I did not do a very good job of labeling the plants and I am not sure what this 3 foot tall plant is but I hope it is a cauliflower.
I can recognize fennel. This one is now about a foot tall and I can see the bulb is starting to form. This plant has a  strong anise or licorice flavor. For many people this is a love it or leave it plant. I am looking forward to trying it out in about a month.
I could also pick spinach as I now have a goodly supply particularly for a salad.

We are so close to out goal at the Suburban Farm.
199.895 KG. We just need about 105 grams to make the goal. I don't want to pick something I cannot use or give away because it is likely to go to waste. Therefore I will post again in few days when we cross the goal line.

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