Monday, November 15, 2010

The Sweet Taste of Success: 200 Kilograms!!!!!!!!!!!!

Today has been a rainy day with more than an inch of rain. Coming back into the house I found a tomato and picked some arugula. This modest addition of 158grams tasted great with my dinner.

Importantly, though, this addition now pushes the total of the produce from the garden to over 200 Kilograms. It will be interesting to see how much further we can get in the next 6 weeks.

199.895 KG + 158 grams 200.053KG



    congratulations Dad, This is quite an impressive feat. Farmer D. would be proud. I think i will start a garden of my own in the spring. I have much to learn.

  2. Yeah- yeah over 200MG. My salad yesterday was great too. I need some more greens in a few days. I get the garden all to myself over Thanksgiving, what a joy!!!!!!!!

  3. I got the okra up. If you can till I will clean up, plant and just general clean up next week. It will look wonderful in 2 weeks.

  4. I went and picked today, turnips greens 324- peppers 274- cherry tom's 201- Green tom's 1893- It was cold and wet. I covered the plants for the cold tonight. Will post the picture on e-mail. Most of the cherry tom's are splitting because of the rain

  5. Another report I dug the potato's the tops were killed with the cold. The ground is wet and we are suppose to have rain again Tues.
    Potato's 1232 spinach 42. Will pick some of the green tomato's on Tues, when it is suppose to be warmer.

  6. rain already and I have covered the tomato's. Will check everything daily. I picked 4722 kg of green tomato's. Brought 5 small almost ripe ones for eating. Yeah. Not sure where that put us with total KG.
