Saturday, November 6, 2010

A Killing Frost Postponed?

Last night was a chilly one. We had a frost warning in the paper and on the radio. However, I was optimistic since we often seem to be a few degrees warmer here than at the airport. The weather was ominous with dark clouds, spitting rain and actually sleet and hail. This is such a change from just last week when it was up in the 80's. I was hoping to save some of the large tomato plants that have lots of fruit on them since much was just starting to ripen,
These ghostly forms are the work of the Farmer's Wife.  She labored long and hard to cover the plants. It looks as if she has robbed some of beds in the house. Ironically, she does not really like tomatoes, particularly raw.
Clearly she loves the Farmer and his project.

We will leave the covers on till tomorrow since it is suppose to be cold tonight then warm up. We only had 35 degrees on our thermometer at the house; 31 degrees was reported at the airport. There was however a frost on the neighbors roof this morning and on the pine straw in the garden. The only thing that looks limp in the sweet potato vines. I haven't and want look under the tarps until tomorrow.
The cold is good for many fall crops that have struggled with the lingering heat. Therefore, some turnips and turnip greens will be coming in for dinner today.

With the addition of 1.498 KG of produce since last report the total is 190.053KGs.

1 comment:

  1. Hey! i recognize that red metal! using my stilts as weights. I see how it is...
