Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Carrots and Lettuce

Today I pulled up the rest of the carrots. They may look pretty rough but they were fine in the pot roast that I made.  I am not sure that I will grow carrots again. They take a lot of time and room and the yield is not so great. It might be fun to grow some funky varieties and maybe the novelty would be worth it.
I have great bunches of basil. I pick and pick and there are new leaves to bring in. The aroma is amazing. Some people have never smelled fresh basil and are surprised at the delightful fragrance that fills the room.
The Moskivch tomatoes are full of fruit and I hope that they will have time to make. These varieties are interesting. This plant which is a great spreading mass puts on groups of three fruits on a branch and when ripe they are delicious. I think that they will be good variety for next year.
The New Farmer came over for dinner tonight the surprise of the night is a was a great cucumber. Who would think that you could have fresh cucumbers in November. A great salad with rocket, tomato and cucumber to go with lamb chops.

In addition I have been keeping the office in stock with heads of romaine and buttercrunch

2.564 KG of produce to add to the total which brings the total to 188.555 KG

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