Saturday, July 9, 2011

100 KG!!! Yellow Tomatoes

These beautiful yellow pear tomatoes are as tasty as they are attractive. The Farmer's Daughter is working at an organic farm this summer and has brought home some Black Cherry (Really very Dark Purple) tomatoes that are wonderful as well. These heirloom varieties are getting very popular and people are becoming to appreciate what a tomato tastes like and that they can have lots of different appearances.
I have been growing this Magda variety for the last several years. It is a Middle Eastern Squash and seems nicely suited to the heat. Well as tasty as it is pretty I am starting to see some of these are the Farmer's Market so others are discovering this type. One thing that I have discovered that may be why it is not seen in grocery stores is that it is so delicate. You touch it and the skin will mar. This does not harm the taste or cause it to go bad but people want the food to be pretty too.

This is the year of peppers. Every day there is a whole variety to pick from. I did a terrible job with the labels so some look alike but one has a very high heat quotient.  I need to figure out which one that is to steer it's produce the New Farmer.

Who said you need to have lettuce? You can have a great salad with cucumbers and they are still producing well. I have some starting up a trellis.
Finally these are the bush bean.  We ill get several more batches but they will be done soon to be replaced by two sets of pole beans that are growing so much that they over top the trellis. If you keep them picked they could produce for 6 weeks or more.

I have 8.887 Kg to add this week which I add to the 93.176 KG I had to bring 102.063 KG which is 225 LB and half way to the 400KG total.

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