Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Last of beets, hot weather veggies yellow tomato's & Peppers.

We pulled up the last of the beets for the year.
They were so good. Both the beets and beet greens. We have several kinds of tomatos, yellow pear shape, red cherry and the big ones. All are super good. Several kinds of peppers and we are not sure which one is the hot one. There are so many cucumbers we can't find enough people to give to. I like the long English ones best. I can eat several a day. We have bugs in the Squash so we are working hard to smash them and today I did not find a lot. The rest are looking good, we will have sweet potato's soon. Lots of flowers that are pretty. I harvested 3534 mg this morning. 3126 of them were cucumbers. We have more green beans planted and the pole beans are just starting to bloom. There are melons also. All for today, see you next time

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