Sunday, July 24, 2011

Onions and Figs

This has been a busy week for the Farmer. While the weather has been hot and the cucumbers continue to be prolific there is some variety this week. Above are some onions that were started from sets and now have full bulbs. With a few dry and sunny days the Farmer's Daughter and the New Farmer have processed them and they are now in the basement. Might be good to make some French Onion soup but the weather is too hot for that. 
Finally a fig has made it inside. First there was one or two and now they will start to ripen quickly. Usually we have about a month of heavy production and then a few a day till late in the fall
This plate is very Mediterranean looking with tomatoes, eggplant and peppers. The plants still have lots of blooms and young fruit.
Finally I don't know what this is. It was on the cucumber plant but larger and yellow and kind of a melon flavor.
These are some yellow pears.  The Farmer visited the Jones Valley Urban Farm this week to check out the heirloom tomatoes that they have.

16.757 KG of produce to report this week added to the 112.886KG which is a total of 129.643KG

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