Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Baby Vegatibles; Pickles can Extend the Harvest

Although we are getting a lot of fully grown fruits and vegetables. In fact too many to keep up with.
Tonight we had beets, green beans acorn squash, lettuce and cucumbers with the burgers. However we are getting a lot of cucumbers from the few vines that I have planted. 7-9 cucumbers in a single day. The new farmer has called to get a recipe for pickles that we can try tomorrow. What this reminds us of is that although I may have enough vegetables for more than a year that in less you can store the produce you will not have enough for the winter when the garden does not produces. Pickles is one of the ways you can store many things. We think of cucumbers but many things such as beans, fruits, eggs and even meats could be pickled to keep them for when the fresh foods were in short supply.

In the last two days 2.36 kilograms and over one kilogram of this is cucumbers.
I have some baby pictures to show The future harvest
Small green tomatoes

Baby Eggplant with the plant also purple

French Melon that is done when it is about soft ball size so that it is your personal melon

1 comment:

  1. I made pickles today from the cumbers from the garden, hope they come out good. There was enough left for Lydia to take to friends today who she is meeting for lunch. So much fun.
