Saturday, June 19, 2010

The Red and Green Torrent:Tomatoes and Basil

The avalanche of cucumbers continues but the torrent of tomatoes is beginning. It is a small victory to get tomatoes to ripen in June. The weather has helped with the recent heat wave and adequate rain. Now if I were to go outside I would find plenty of perfectly red fruits to pick from.
I have grown these from seeds starting the pots under the grow light in very late winter and this effort has paid off with early fruit. I have planted two types of tomatoes this year. One is the a cherry variety. I like the small tomatoes like this since if you lose one or two you will have a lot more fruits,  they are convenient to share, transport and eat for a snack. I also have a  larger heirloom Italian that I picked for its flavor and its medium to small  size, 6-8 ounces each, and one of these is  starting to ripen as well. A friend that I shared some of my potted seedlings with reported that his are ripening too but that they have not set much new fruit. I noticed that this seemed to be true with mine with lots of fruit on lower branches none on the middle and now flowers on the upper branches like the second flowers are not producing, I have no reason why that would be?

Basil is also coming along. I have planted it in several places in the garden. My efforts to start in pots have not been so successful but the direct sowing of the herb is doing well  the farmer and family will be able to have pesto tonight!
Cherry tomato 275 grams
Pole beans 400 grams
Squashes of various types 1000g
Total of theses and other produce as of June 19th 3.43 KG for a total of 57.43 KG


  1. Ok what is that in pounds? You have 2 bags of pole beans in the frig.
    Everything looking good. This rain might give us a bug problem. Will see.

  2. I just got back from picking the garden and have supper in a bag. It will be a great meal with veggies and cheese. don't need meat will all I have. Cherry tomato's 962, cucumbers 818 plus 14- Italian Z 249 yellow Sq 79 green onions 14 Pole beans 586.
    The deer got into Ernest"s sweet potato's and ate them all. He is going to have to plant again
