Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Corn and Eggplant

A little bit of corn is now coming in the garden. Corn doesn't do very good in a small garden. I happen to find an old seed packet and decided to put sow them. Corn is an interesting and delicious vegetable for gardeners. Corn is domesticated form of a grass from central America. Corn is now dependent on man since it is no longer able to self seed.  You will never get any volunteer corn in your garden. Originally each kernel of corn was in its own sheath. Now there are 100's of kernels and they are in a thick husk. Each of the kernels are attached to one of the silks and most be pollinated or the kernel will not fill out. Corn also most self pollinate and this is why the small patch often does not make well. In the big field there will be hundreds of corn plants  letting off pollen. The edge of the fields often doesn't  get pollinated but the center of the field. So the small plot has the pollen blown away from the silks. Nonetheless the few ears that we are getting are delicious.

Also eggplant  is coming in. Eggplant is a very warm weather plant. I like to have the small fruited varieties since they are easier to grow and doesn't stay on the plant long enough to let the insects get at.
Lots of produce to report

Tomato               1129
Cherry tomato     1955
Light Zucchini       753
Green Zucchini     224
Yellow Squash     483
Cucumbers         2534
Green Bean          339
Blackberry m        103

Total 7.520 KG     For total of 
89.52 KG or 196.4  lbs

1 comment:

  1. Due to technical problems with ATT the farmer has no phone, TV or internet so has not been able to post. Hope to have it fixed soon, they promise in a WEEK. Fast?
    Here is harvest report for Friday July 2, 10
    cucumbers 1138--Z. Squash 233-- Light Z. Squash 677--Tomato's 313-- Cherry Tomato's 1174--Shell beans 382-- Soy beans 59== Egg Plant 218. Pole beans 116--
    I took pictures of Sun flowers and the other flowers also the pumpkin so they can be posted on the Blog.
