Saturday, June 12, 2010

One Hundred Pounds

 100 Lbs !!!!!!!!!!

   The "Growing Our Own" farmers have gone over 100 lbs with a cucumber and an acorn squash. We have been picking a variety of produce but there are two new vegetables that have start to produce. One is the cherry tomatoes . Now none of these have little fruits have been able to make into a meal in the house. Most are getting eaten in the yard.. It is likely that over the next week that there will be an avalanche of produce and friends and co-workers are starting to benefit.

The other new fruit is the Eggplant. The variety I am growing is a oriental variety which is a long slender fruit. The very dark purple color means that it is full of those very healthy anti-oxidant. I look forward to eating this today;some acorn squash and of course the cucumbers.
June 10th    1.460G with cucumbers, zucchini, yellow squash and Fava beans
June 12th    1.880KG with cucumbers, acorn squash and eggplant.
For a total of 
45.86 KG or a total of 100.9 LBS

I have pulled up the fava beans and tilled that up. The second farmer has planted some more okra and we will plant some more beans and other seeds where the favas were, in the next few days.

The above pictures lets you get a look at the arbor with climbing pole beans and two of my three small garden plots.

1 comment:

  1. I just got in from the garden,watered and picked produce. We need rain, water from the Lord is so much better. Another person stopped again this morning to tell me what a beautiful garden it was, she sees it every morning on the way to work. I told her it was my son's and I was just helping. I picked 85.16 cucumbers, yellow squash 4.1, Italian beans 10.4, pole beans 16.3 and a acorn squash 18.3. Good day.
