Sunday, February 14, 2010

Fruits of Our Labors

Today is Valentine's Day. I have some sweets for my Valentine and fruit of our garden. I have made two sweet potato pies this afternoon.

Yesterday we harvested the first of the micro greens and the first Shiitake mushroom. I have also been using some of the over wintering onions that I planted almost a year ago and look a lot like leeks but are really a mild almost scallion like flavor to our food. I almost forgot fig jam for breakfast this morning.

I am very anxious to plant seeds in the garden but with the late cold snap and possibly even a dusting of snow I just need to hold off for a few more days.

1 comment:

  1. Those pies sure do look good. I need to make mine in a few days. I made some leek and Potato soup the other day sure was good. I hope the weather is good in March and I can help get some stuff started in the garden.
