Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Home Grown Mushrooms

My oldest daughter sent me a unusual Christmas gift that has just arrived this week. The gift is a "mushroom block". This is a compressed block of wood chips that is "seeded" with fungus strands that can then grow into mushrooms. My block is a Shitaki Mushroom block. The block came wrapped in a plastic bag, and since there were not any small mushrooms visible on the block I was instructed to place it in the refrigerator for 4 days to mimic winter. Then I soaked the block for 24 hours, which mimics spring rain and snow melt. Now the block is sitting on my grow light table and I am supposed to mist frequently and wait. In a couple of weeks I should have my first crop of mushrooms! After I harvest them, we repeat the process and the block could last up to 6 months. I will show you some pictures of mushrooms when they start to grow.

1 comment:

  1. I like the mushroom idea. It looks big but I guess if you put it in the refrigerator it is not as big as it looks.
    Yeah Amanda with her great gift. Granny
