Thursday, March 18, 2010

Delicious Mushrooms

I harvested some of the mushrooms and within minutes we were sauteing them in butter and eating them. It was amazing -they were so firm and fresh and wonderful flavor! I will have another batch later this weekend and then it will probably be time to put the block through another cycle.

We also had some wonderful whipped sweet potatoes made with the potato leftover from the giant sweet potato I had brought up from storage, because we had only used about half for the 4 cups I needed for the sweet potato pies earlier in the week. Also, learned that the extra pie should have been stored in the refrigerator...

I have been redoing my strawberry patch. It can easily get overgrown. I dug up the crowns and divided them. I planted what I could use and had a good grocery bag full of crowns so I gave them to an urban farmer friend for her own strawberry patch.

Other things that have been going on:
Starting planting pots of squash, eggplant, cucumbers and melons.
Transplanting chard and lettuce to the garden
Planting a second crop of fava beans, lettuce and other spring crops. I will put some more sugar snap peas out this weekend.

1 comment:

  1. Those mushrooms sure where good. They were so pretty, much more so then what you see at the store. Not sure what I was whipping up in the picture. Working in the garden is so much fun and watching things grow is good. The strawberries we transplanted are looking good.
